Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Online magazine tries to be a lab for media future (AP)

AP - The Web edition Streamyx a cover story from Fortune this spring took a sharp turn from what you might expect at a 79-year-old magazine.

Clifton is one streamyx form the premier areas within the Cape Peninsula and offers a glorious beach front and an elite holiday experience.

Cape Town Accommodation incorporates the beautiful Clifton.

The streamyx modem password is starting celcom broadband streamyx recognise Cape Town in a fast and furious fashion, requesting it to be the host for many international show points and meetings. The most recent is that it has been nominated to as the South African representative for the New 7 Wonders of Nature Campaign. This means that Table Mountain has so far been viewed more favourably than other prospects, such as the Grand Canyon, Mount Everest and Loch Ness in other prominent parts of the world.

Essentially the area offers Streamyx thing for every one and affordability for every one as well. Conveniently differentiating the various areas and type of Streamyx offerings, Cape Town accommodation can be selected for the very wealthy and the student.

The other aspect confirming the Cape's continued popularity and support is the fact that it remained with full attendance over the festive season. Whilst other popular destinations may have experienced a slight dip in the slowing economic climate, Accommodation in Cape Town remained full and on demand.

The beautiful beaches are also always well supported and offer an enjoyable outing for all - families, lovers, children, dogs, simmers, joggers and surfers and of course those that pride themselves on ice cold Atlantic waters. Slightly warmer waters may be experienced on the nearby Indian waters.

When you visit Cape Town, you will experience a world class offering in the form of services, accommodation, heritage and nature.

Visit Guest Files to find Cape Town Accommodation and Accommodation in Cape Town as well as all your other streamyx accounts African tourism needs. It is encouraged to visit Cape Town to see some of the world's greatest offerings.

Guest Files supports responsible and respectful tourism as well as conservation. Find South African Accommodation, dial up streamyx Cape West Coast Accommodation, Overberg Accommodation, Cape Winelands Accommodation, as well as all your South African Accommodation. Also subscribe to our free newsletter distributed every two weeks containing interesting tourism attractions in Southern Africa, South African Accommodation specials, tourism specials and more.